CEO Bitwise сравнил ИИ-агентов с корпорациями на заре их появления
Рост популярности ИИ-агентов напоминает эпоху возникновения корпораций около 200 лет назад. Такую параллель провел CEO Bitwise Хантер Хорсли.
The more I think about AI Agents —The more I think it perfectly parallels to the 19th century advent of the corporation: able to enter contracts itself, hire humans, own things, and outlive people. Corporations were feared, and now number in the millions....
Рост популярности ИИ-агентов напоминает эпоху возникновения корпораций около 200 лет назад. Такую параллель провел CEO Bitwise Хантер Хорсли.
The more I think about AI Agents —The more I think it perfectly parallels to the 19th century advent of the corporation: able to enter contracts itself, hire humans, own things, and outlive people. Corporations were feared, and now number in the millions....
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