It seems like you might be referring to "Linga," which could have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:
1. Linga in Hinduism:
In Hinduism, the linga (or lingam) is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva, usually in the form of a phallus symbol. It is often found in temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and is considered a symbol of the energy and potential of the deity.
2. Linga as a geological formation:
In geology, a linga is a term used to describe a natural rock formation that resembles a phallus. Lingas are often ***** ociated with fertility symbo
1. Linga in Hinduism:
In Hinduism, the linga (or lingam) is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva, usually in the form of a phallus symbol. It is often found in temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and is considered a symbol of the energy and potential of the deity.
2. Linga as a geological formation:
In geology, a linga is a term used to describe a natural rock formation that resembles a phallus. Lingas are often ***** ociated with fertility symbo
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