Во время покушения баба сзади Трампа подаёт сигнал стрелку и начинает снимать происходящее, не боясь выстрелов.
Баба оказалась замглавой ФБР Джанин Дигизеппи.
During the assassination attempt, the woman behind Trump signals to the shooter and begins filming what is happening, not afraid of shots.
The woman turned out to be the deputy head of the FBI, Janine Digiseppe.
Баба оказалась замглавой ФБР Джанин Дигизеппи.
During the assassination attempt, the woman behind Trump signals to the shooter and begins filming what is happening, not afraid of shots.
The woman turned out to be the deputy head of the FBI, Janine Digiseppe.
4 мес. назад